

I have come to understand that many people think they can’t write a book or that it is impossible to do so in such a short space of time. Let me tell you my story in becoming an author, my name is Tunji Ogunjimi and I started my journey in the area of writing in 2010.

I remember from a young age I was told in my teens that I have Dyslexia and can’t achieve much due to not being able to store information and being forgetful. This held me back from achieving my goals during exam time at school, college and even university and because of that I didn’t do as well as I thought I would or even could do. I felt so useless with myself that I could only come out with a pass or merit after completing my studies. In 2010 after my mum’s passing and being a full-time carer for her for some years, I really had to look inside and see where my life was going from here on and the idea of writing a book came to mind as I had been doing some research.

I never did do too well in writing exams and even course work at college and university, so the thought of writing a book was far from me as I told myself that how will I put my words together and structure them well enough to be in a book. It did take more effort than I thought to be able to get things together for my first book but I was able to conquer the fear of you can’t, you not good enough or you’re not that smart just because I had heard it for nearly half of my life. I had to tell myself each day that I have what it takes to be an author, I knew friends who had published their books and I asked for help from them to get me on the right track.

It took me 6 to 9 months to write my first book “Glory Realm Worshipper”. From launching my first book in 2011, now 4 years on I have written 3 more books Glory Realm Living, The W in You and How to Write your Book FAST. All my books were written while working and I believe you can create the time to write with the right method. I believe that everyone has a book in them and anyone can write a book with the right tools in place. It is said that 80% of us say we’d like to write a book someday but never do. All of us have a book inside of us or a message to share, just waiting for the world to see it.

The problem is most of us don’t know where to start or deep down we don’t believe we can do it. My belief is that anyone’s message can be told because there is a Book in everyone and you can write it within 90 days. A book can be written in three months or less, I know because I and many others have done it. Believe you have what it takes to write that book because if you don’t then someone else will and get the rewards that should be coming your way. Get rid of the fear factor and thinking what others have to say about you and just move with your heart and desire of becoming an author. Tell yourself each day that you can do it and you will do it effectively.

My goal is to help those in the self-help space bring the idea of their book out of their head, onto paper and then into a book in record time and then using that book as a tool to build their business, change lives and increase their income. Having worked with clients to release the book within them gives me great joy to reach my goal to inspire you to write your book, bringing what’s on paper to life.

If this helps you to get started on your journey to becoming an author than I am blessed and would like to say congrats to you for making the decision to start writing your book NOW.

Thank you all for reading and feel free to leave comments below if you have any questions or you can send me a PM too. Have a great day guys and as I always say Keep Smiling and Keep Shinning.

Tunji Ogunjimi – The Book/Author Coach

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