Have you been struggling to secure clients into your business and don’t know the best way to get your business moving forward? Well you can solve that problem with an easy method which is writing a book. You can use the power of a book to build your email list, bring in new clients and grow your business to the next level.
Reasons Why:
1: Establishes you as an Expert – A book will place you as an expert and authority in your field. You become known for that market and looked at by others as the go to person in that area. By you writing a book on your niche, your customers will come running to you as you will now be seen as knowledgeable about your business area.
2: Higher Credibility: Once you write a book it makes you trust worthy in the eyes of your customers. People buy from people they trust and you will be seen as a person someone will spend their money on once you have a book. Because of your book and information people would love to do business with you one on one or online. A book sets you apart from the non-author colleagues in your field.
3: Builds you a Platform: Your status and your business changes once you have a book out, you increase your platform and get more eye bulls to your business. Your profile sky rockets once you are called a published author and even more if you’re a Best Selling Author. Your name becomes known in the niche you are in and you create a space just for you.
4: Increase Clients: Your client list grows once you have a book in your name about your business. People begin to opt in for your sign up offers, your free give ways, email marketing, blogs and newsletters. It gives you an opportunity to remain visible; this all helps to increase your list, like they say the money is in the list.
5: Creates new Products: A book can lead to creation of different products such as e-courses, online courses, and live events, seminars, booked speaking engagements. Writing a book helps you and your business gain additional income from different streams that keep you relevant. Having a book allows you to speak to a wider and larger audience of people.
These 5 reasons makes you stand out from the crowd and you become the number one people in your field for your customers to spend their money on and buy your products and services. Your Book will be the Hook you need to build that relationship with your clients far and near. A book is a powerful tool used to open doors.
Write your Book today, Build your Platform and Grow your Business!
Tunji Ogunjimi
T.O Consultancy – Inspiring you to succeed as an author.